Mike's Story
In the mid-60's I saw my little sister brought along for her first girdles and stockings in a large department store. It was a proud day for my sister (14). I was dragged along as there was no alternative. The Department Store was massive and very posh fancy with spiral staircase. The huge Corsetry Department was located on the third floor. It was staffed by rather stern, serious, no-nonsense, business like middle-aged and older ladies. They were all attired in black form-fitting dresses that emphasized their wonderful figures.
As was proper of they time I was not allowed to enter. Mum directed me to wait at a circular seating area, centered around a pillar/pole, set at a discreet distance from the corsetry department. There I joined other boys and husbands waiting. Here I saw other mothers bring in their teenage daughters. With concentration, I could see a vast array of bras, girdles and proper corsets mounted on mannequins. It was fascinating. My sisters fitting seemed to take ages but I surmise Mother also got fitted for some corsets. I remember my little sister at last emerging beaming in real nylons and obviously a high quality girdle
I could not wait to find out what she got! That first time their were four firm girdles, all with suspenders. They were truly lovely with diamond reinforce lace panels and in red!!!!! I thought this was shocking for the time. Two were what are known as boy-leg (why)? The other two were hi-waisted briefs, with suspenders. The on labels read size medium, made in Austria by Goddard. By 1969, my sister had removed the suspenders and adopted tights like most other ladies.
Thankfully, she still wears firm girdles to this day. It was a Godsend, as I often used to borrow them.
There is a much longer account from this gentleman.