Ivy Leaf's Diary



Wishing all our Readers a Happy New Year



Quiz Answers


One of the very few films to feature a corsetière is 'Carry on Loving' (1970), one of those lively, low budget, quintessentially British comedies.

The picture above features Joan Sims (1930 - 2001) lacing a long-suffering Amelia Bayntun (1919 - 1988) into her corsets. They never made a 'Carry on Corsetière'; what a shame!


The eagle-eyed will notice that the picture above is heavily modified; we have a few questions for you:


Who feature in the picture on the wall?  Bob and Cathie Jung

Who is the Christmas fairy on top of the tree?  Bunty

What is wrong about the corsetiere's actions?  There are no lace ends to pull on a CAMP corset

The corset in the film has been replaced by a satin CAMP. Which one of our models wore this in six of our calendars from 2010 to 2020?  Madeleine


More questions below about this still from the film 'Hell Drivers' (1957)



Who is the actress?  Marjorie Rhodes

What is wrong with the corset?  It looks like fan-lacing that she holds but the corset is not a fan-lacer. Also the shoulder straps running right across her breasts are quite wrong.

From which country does the corset originate?  The external bones are typical of German corsets.

Is it likely that a 60-year-old Yorkshire woman would possess such a corset?  No

Her real name is the same as a Midlands corset shop. What is it?  Millicent Wise  (also the name of another actress and a corset shop in Stoke-on-Trent).

Enjoy and have

a Happy New Year


Portrait of an elegant lady




Under 'Strange Names' we have mentioned the Daintifyt Brassiere Company about which some kind readers have supplied more information.


For fans of Lyn Locke, there are some new pictures (if you can find them).